Posh-Sysmon Module for Creating Sysmon Configuration Files

Sysmon configuration can be complex in addition to hard to maintain by hand. For this purpose I created a module called Posh-Sysmon some time ago to aid in the creation and maintenance of configuration files. The module was initially written after the release of version 2.0 and has been maintained and expanded as new version have been released all the way to the current one at the time of this blog post being written with version 6.0. 

The module is written for PowerShell v3.0 and above and can be installed from the PowerShell Gallery if running version 5.0 or 5.1 using the cmdlet 

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My Take on Application Whitelisting

One of the recent thoughts that I have notices in the last year in discussions with friends in the industry is that whitelisting is of no use do to:

* "It is hard to do"
* "Bypasses exist so why do it"
* "It does not scale"

Those are the 3 most common ones I have heard with my discussions over drinks, chat rooms and lobbycon sessions with friends. I would like to try to address why for me they are not valid and share my thought process and to the why.

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Meterpreter New Windows PowerShell Extension

I still remember 5 years ago when I decided to do my first PowerShell class at Derbycon and some of my buddies told me I was nuts for teaching what they called a "Toy Language" I have used  Windows PowerShell almost daily for work since 2007, started with my previous job setting up and securing Exchange 2007 servers, once PowerCLI from VMware come out it became my go to environment for automating and hardening ESX and ESXi environments.   Once we figured how to run encoded commands it became a must for post-exploitation since it gave me access to ADSI, COM, Win32 API, .NET API and all sorts of third party .NET library I could get my hands on. Some kind of PowerShell ability has been present in most major comercial products one way or another and now Metasploit is taking it a step further thanks to the great work of OJ Reeves also known as @TheColonial by adding a Metrerpeter extension for unmanaged Windows PowerShell Runspace.  This extension is based on the work from Lee Christensen and his UnmanagedPowerShell project.

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Writing a Active Directory Audit Module - Getting a DirectoryEntry

In the previous blog post when we look at the object returned it has all of the information properly parsed and shown so I do not have to run around parsing fields and converting them but for me a critical piece of information is not shown and that is the SID of the forest domain. If you have played with analysis of some logs and with Mimikatz attacks you know the SID is of great importance. For this we will use the System.DirectoryServices namespace, specifically the DirecotryEntry class that represents a path in AD.

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Writing a Active Directory Audit Module - Getting Forest Info

In the last blog post we covered setting the goals for the project, general guidelines, how I set up a project in GitHub and the creation of the module manifest. In this blog post we will cover some of the API around ActiveDirectory that we can use in Windows PowerShell to access and query it either from a host already in the domain or with alternate credentials against a specific host. 

Currently when working in Windows PowerShell there are 4 main ways to interact with Active Directory:

  • ActiveDirectory module - gets installed with RSAT or when then Domain Controller role is added to a server. Varies per version of Windows.
  • System.DirectoryServices Namespace - it is a .Net wrapper around the ADSI (Active Directory Service Interface) COM object. It represents a specific path or Object in AD allowing for the pulling of information and modification.
  • System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory namespace - It provides several .Net classes that abstract AD services. Provides access to manipulating forest, domain, site, subnet, partition, and schema are part of the object model.
  • System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace provides uniform access and manipulation of user, computer, and group security principals
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